For Halloween, Anne Strieber tells some of the greatest ghost stories you will ever hear. She starts out, "Whitley and I often see ghosts…" and it goes from there, as we listen to a whole series of ghostly encounters and encounters with the dead that Whitley and Anne Strieber have had over the years. This wonderful Halloween special offers great insight not only into the highly unusual lives of Whitley and Anne Strieber, but also into the whole nature of ghosts and apparitions. Not to be missed!
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Whitley Strieber sat down, leaned into the microphone and told this story without so much as a note. Is it an incredibly scary and yet beautiful short story, a prophecy, the revelation of an extraordinary secret–or all of the above? When your Dreamland editor asked him, he just laughed. Whatever it is, it’s an all time classic Halloween Screamland, in the finest tradition of this radio program!

"Darkness Absolute" by Whitley Strieber is Copyright 2011 by Walker & Collier, Inc.

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 What is a fully functioning human being? William Henry asks "Nine Eyes of Light" author Padma Aon Parkasha this burning question and gets a surprising answer that, for one thing, suggests that we should go beyond the idea that there are just six senses. There are a vast number of untapped senses, and we can harness them all, and Aon Parkasha has some powerful ideas about how to do that.

His website is
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Of course it’s always possible that this is a genuine unknown, but the fact that it is slow moving and has a slightly bowed shape does suggest that, unlike the Peru video just posted, it is probably a cylindrical balloon.
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