When British convicts were sent to Australia in the 18th and 19th centuries, they found that the island nation was already populated, but no one could figure out where these people had come from. The land was so isolated that it seemed impossible that anyone could have traveled there in unsophisticated boats.

Now a lock of hair that was collected by a British anthropologist 100 years ago may hold the key to where the aborigines originally came from, as it’s tested for its DNA. DNA from the hair reveals that these ancient ancestors arrived in Australia around 50,000 years ago, and they somehow managed to keep the whole continent to themselves until the British convicts arrived many years later.
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Just like humans, birds that are abused when they’re young are more likely to become abusers themselves later on.

Adult Nazca boobies, seabirds that live on the Galapagos Islands, often attack their neighbors’ young. These bullied nestlings then turn into bullies themselves when they become adults, meaning the cycle continues. Researchers even believe that this cycle may have the same cause in both birds and humans, since stress hormones surge after bird abuse.
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More reports of unknowns in Kansas, but so far none of the video has been particularly convincing. The public comments on this story claim that they’re all people flying ultralights at night and Chinese lanterns. Hopefully, with so many sightings, there will be some definitive video soon.
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