You can order it from the store here. You can also learn more about the book by going to its website, It is a ‘true fiction,’ in the sense that I think that some of the genetic manpulation at the core of the story reflects things that could happen, or may already be happening, and are wildly dangerous. But like the statement made by the Hopwood crop formation, "there is good out there, too." My work is about finding our place in a very complex and dangerous universe, and to me that means finding the more

In 2001, we reported that dust clouds from China regularly sweep across the Western United States, bringing with them bits of rock, dinosaur fossils and even particles of mummies." Now pollution is arriving from the Japanese tsunami in the form of massive floating rubbish islands almost 70 miles long, containing the remains of destroyed cars and buildings, as well as human body parts. More than 200,000 buildings were carried out to sea by the tsunami caused by the 9.0 quake on March 11.
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