What is a fully functioning human being? William Henry asks "Nine Eyes of Light" author Padma Aon Parkasha this burning question and gets a surprising answer that, for one thing, suggests that we should go beyond the idea that there are just six senses. There are a vast number of untapped senses, and we can harness them all, and Aon Parkasha has some powerful ideas about how to do that.

His website is PadmaAon.com
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An asteroid impact two thousand years ago may have sent gigantic waves deluging what is now New York City. Most tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes and volcanoes, but the causes of 10% of them are unknown, and asteroids are thought to be one of these causes. For instance, scientists have found evidence that the Chicxulub impact in Mexico may have ended the age of the dinosaurs by drowning them all with gigantic waves. They may have wiped out the local Indians as well. In LiveScience.com, Charles Q. Choi quotes geologist Dallas Abbott as saying, "Our models suggest the tsunamis were up to 66 feet high when they entered the Hudson River.read more

In the old days in the Old South, rich plantation owners had teams of slaves to do the work for them. It turns out that ants are farmers too AND they also have slaves! And just like people who purchased strong humans, slavemaker ants select the strong over the weak when seeking new servants, which is why they have been observed attacking larger, better defended colonies over smaller, weaker ones.read more

THE SOLUTION: JOIN OUR REGULAR WEDNESDAY CHATS (from 7 to 8 pm Pacific)! And if this description fits you, check your wallet: Current treatments for depression don’t help working-class and poor patients as much as they help middle-class people. Maybe this is because, when people with jobs come out of the slough, they realize they actually have a lot to live for. Psychologist Lydia Falconnier says, "This is particularly important since a lot of research shows negative outcomes for children of depressed mothers. This also raises questions about mandated depression treatment for working-class and poor mothers who are involved in the child welfare system." Loneliness is a MEDICAL problem that can lead to bad health.read more