On Sunday, Jan. 3 at 9 p.m. Pacific and EST, Whitley will be interviewed on Apocalypse Island on the History Channel, talking about what may happen in the future. But he’s saved the REAL scoop on that Mayan prediction about 2012 for our subscribers, who can listen to his audio explaining all about it RIGHT NOW. It’s our holiday present for you!

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

What will 2010 bring? Whitley Strieber, Marla Frees, William Henry, Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe and Anne Strieber all tackle that question in different ways in our provocative new year’s special.

Listen as they bring their very different approaches to 2010–Marla as an intuitive, William with his extraordinary grasp of the past, Jim with his understanding of how hidden power actually works, Linda with her cutting edge insights into the news and Anne with her extensive scientific knowledge.

Then Whitley Strieber will describe what might happen if the visitors become public knowledge in 2010. What form might this take? What kind of changes can we expect?
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It only makes you THINK you’re sober! – People who drink on New Year’s Eve should know that coffee won’t sober them up, but it MAY make it harder for people to realize they’re drunk. And popular caffeinated “alcohol-energy” drinks don’t neutralize alcohol intoxication either.
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It’s drinking & WALKING – At New Year’s, we’re all warned about drinking and driving, but the truth is that drinking and walking can be just as dangerous.

Researcher Thomas Esposito says, “Alcohol impairs your physical ability to walk AND to drive. It impairs your judgment, reflexes and coordination. It’s nothing more than a socially acceptable, over-the-counter stimulant/depressant.”In 2005, the journal Injury Prevention reported that New Year’s Day is more deadly for pedestrians than any other day of the year. From 1986 to 2002, 410 pedestrians were killed on New Year’s Day. 58% of those killed had high blood alcohol concentrations.
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