It’s about time for people in the Northern climes to say goodbye to the butterflies for the winter. How do these delicate creatures manage to migrate such long distances? It turns out they have a G.P.S. in their antennae.

Every fall about 100 million Monarch butterflies migrate to the south. On BBC News, Judith Burns quote researchers as saying, “North America’s Monarch butterflies use a 24-hour ‘clock’ in their antennae to help navigate the [incredible distance] to overwinter in Mexico.” This “clock” is located in their antennae, not in their brain.

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A new, previously unseen ring has been discovered around the planet Saturn. In 1973, it was discovered that Jupiter also has a series of rings around it and the most amazing thing about this is that it was first discovered by a psychic.

On the Paranormal Review website, Roy Stemman reports that Ingo Swann, one of creators (along with physicists Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ) of Remote Viewing, viewed the rings, which were confirmed in 1979 by NASA Voyager images.
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The October 27th edition of the Independent reports that the British government says it will consider new medical evidence about 43-year-old Gary McKinnon’s Asperser’s Syndrome before approving his extradition to the US on charges of breaking into NASA computers in his search for information on UFOs.

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Declassified! – Brazilian UFO investigator A.J. Gaevard has another incredible insight into the amazing things that are happening with UFOs in his country, where formerly classified documents are now being released. Are the Grays getting ready to reveal themselves? You’ll be the FIRST TO KNOW if you subscribe today!

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