About NOT seeing two current films! – In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes about filmmaking. She says, “Sometimes you can learn as much from NOT going to a movie as you can from actually seeing it, because it lets you know where you are in the metaphysical landscape” (and where you’re likely to be in the future). If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already learned about Anne’s new diary! To sign up, click here.

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NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Can it hurt you in the workplace? – We love to chat, but we abhor nasty gossip. Gossip in the workplace can be a weapon or a gift, affecting both power and influence in the office. New research shows that depending on how this weapon is used, its influence can be either strong or weak, so we can use it to our advantage in the future.
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Another way to spot intelligent life! – While we keep hoping that disclosure will come soon, scientists are trying to figure out how to spot alien life. One clue might be the pollution they leave behind.
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From the first few months after his startling recollection of the ordeal related in his book Communion, to the beginning of 1999, Whitley Strieber has been subjected to a battery of psychological and polygraphic tests. The result: he’s telling the truth. Whereas the body of professional documentation presented here represents onlyread more