Whitley’s Journal – In Whitley’s new Journal, he writes about how a photograph taken in 1917, which he spotted in a section of old photos printed in a recent newspaper, CONFIRMED a time slip which he has talked about for years! Time’s passing, but it’s not too late to get tickets to the Dreamland Festival OR to get your 2009 crop circle calendar ON SALE.

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Dr. Robert Koontz is an experimental nuclear physicist who taught analog and digital electronics at the National Security Agency prior to getting his PhD, and and is now researching in areas such as zero point energy. He was on CoasttoCoast AM last week discussing this subject, antigravity and many other topics. Now he spends Dreamland with Whitley Strieber discussing just one topic that he did not cover extensively on Coast, and that topic is IMPLANTS.

Dr. Koontz’s website is DoctorKoontz.com.

He has written an open letter about implants that can be read here.
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Ten years ago, Whitley Strieber published a book of short stories called "Evenings with Demons" that has now become a costly collector’s item, and these stories are unobtainable.

Most of them were written before he was conscious of his life in the close encounter phenomenon, but they contain eerily illuminating references to it that reveal his innermost understanding of its true meaning.
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And Anne celebrates tool users for Father’s Day weekend – In Whitley’s new Journal, he writes about how a recent photograph taken in 1917, which he spotted in a section of old photographs printed in a recent newspaper, CONFIRMED a time slip which he has talked about for years! And in honor of the many hard-working fathers we are celebrating this weekend, we are reminding you about Anne Strieber’s new diary. Her advice for a Father’s Day gift? Get him a socket wrench (whatever that is) because “It works every time.”

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more