Why do so many people live in the suburbs? With gas prices set to rise again and the problems that automobiles cause with greenhouse gas emissions, city planners would like to lure more folks back to the cities, so they could set up transportation options like light rail.

Are people drawn to the concept of perfectly matching houses throughout a neighborhood, the “little boxes” as the famous song goes, or is it the slightly sterile lack of urban energy often associated, fairly or not, with life in the suburbs? More likely it’s a desire for living space that feels shiny, new and most of all, roomy, that one is increasingly hard-pressed to find downtown.
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Women do, anyway – Women: Why does talking with a girlfriend make us feel so good? If we don’t get enough “girl talk,” feel deprived. A new study has identified a likely reason: feeling emotionally close to a friend increases levels of the hormone progesterone, which reduces anxiety and stress.

Researcher Stephanie Brown says, “This study establishes progesterone as a likely part of the (chemical) basis of social bonding in humans.” Progesterone is a sex hormone that fluctuates with the menstrual cycle, and it’s also present in low levels in post-menopausal women and in men. Higher levels of progesterone increase the desire to bond with others, and may even give us a greater willingness to help other people, even at our own expense.
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If you want to be a safe driver, don’t get a fancy ring tone for your cell phone. A new study shows that just the ring of a cell phone may be as distracting as talking on the phone while driving, especially if it’s a familiar song.
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William Henry is discovering MORE secrets in American cities. This country contains a hidden spiritual dimension that began with the founding fathers and has been continued by secret, probably Masonic inheritors of their knowledge.

In this Revelations, he tells us about his latest discoveries in places as familiar to us all as Detroit and Dallas. But these cities are really NOT so familiar, and when we look at them through the practiced eye of an expert mythologist, the hidden vision behind our remarkable country emerges in a whole new way.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.read more