Some of the Indian tribes in Canada’s far north are becoming isolated from each other?and from the rest of the world?due to ice melting caused by global warming, which is cutting off their traditional winter routes. They are having trouble getting supplies, including food for the winter.

The 34 First Nations reservations, which consist of around 20,000 people who are scattered across the forests of northern Ontario, can now only be reached by plane most of the time. If they have to move south, into Canadian cities, they will become disenfranchised and lose their identity. CNN quotes Stan Beardy, chief of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation, as saying, “One or two degrees really makes a big difference.”

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A medical breakthrough of the past few years is the discovery that having only one gene for a deadly disease can protect a person from other illnesses, which is why these diseases, like cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia, persist in the human population. This realization came about when it was discovered that sickle cell anemia, a genetic condition that only exists among black people, offers protection from malaria, if the person only inherits one of the genes. Something similar has now been discovered for Alzheimer’s disease.
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Christmas is coming, a time when we begin to think about the presents we’d like to get and the ones we plan to give. Giving, if it is done in the right way, can be a major chance for spiritual growth. I recently received a message about this that I want to share with you.
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A Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources contractor has reported a close encounter with a “large, black furry figure” that reached into the back of his truck and removed a deer carcass. He is contracted to remove road killed deer. The only known animal fitting the description of an animal at least 7 feet tall would be a gorilla or a grizzly bear, but neither animal is known to be present in the wild in Wisconsin, and there have been no reported escapes. Sheriff’s deputies have not found the creature or the missing deer.

The Milwaukee Channel reports that Steve Krueger as saying, “I felt the truck shake. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a large, black furry figure reaching into the back of the truck.”
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