We’ve heard about Iraqis looting some of their country’s ancient treasures and how U.S. troops either didn’t try?or were unable?to stop them. Now there’s news that our troops have been doing some of the looting themselves and have vandalized one the world’s most ancient cities?6,000-year-old Ur in southern Iraq?by spray painting graffiti on the ruins.
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It seems like we’re perpetually in the midst of war. First, there was 911, then Afghanistan, and now we’re finishing up with Iraq. What’s next on the agenda: Iran, Syria, North Korea? All during this time, there have been constant terrorist attacks in Israel, along with military reprisals. Now that it looks like we’re doing a good job of keeping al-Qaeda out of the U.S., they’re attacking people in other places, even other Muslim countries.

There have been few times in the human past when there wasn’t a war going on–large or small–somewhere on earth. Our history is the history of war. But wasn’t there a moment of peace a few years ago, when the former Soviet Union fell? It seems to have disappeared in the blink of an eye.
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In her new Diary, Anne Strieber writes, “There have been few times in the human past when there wasn’t a war going on…Our history is the history of war…We now know that al-Qaeda has been around for a long time. They hated us in the past just as much as they hate us now, but the difference was, we didn’t know it. Perhaps freedom from worry is only possible for the innocent. Once we realize how precarious life is, we can no longer laugh and enjoy ourselves quite so much.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Most people think of popular Dreamland guest Jim Marrs as an expert on conspiracies (which he is), but did you know he also wrote one of the best books on UFOs? Now Alien Agenda is available in our store! He breaks amazing new ground, covering everything from Abductions to Zeta Reticuli?and not leaving out the mysteries of Mars. A classic in the Marrs manner!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more