The two images shown here are of a crop circle from last summer and a newly discovered nucleotide. Information relating to these images was discussed with Dr. Roger Leir on Dreamland 11/02/02.

The nucleotide was discovered at Cambridge University in England in 1986. It shows the DNA curvature around a eukaryotic nucleosome.

The scientist who discovered the nucleotide believes that the crop circle is an image of it, and the resemblance is indeed startling. He says, “Very few people on earth could have drawn that structure in such detail and so precisely. It was the first time I had returned to Cambridge in 15 years.”

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The Sci Fi cable TV channel has announced that it did a secret, on-the-ground study of the spot where the UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947, for the documentary “The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence,” which will air November 22nd. Researchers at the University of New Mexico used remote sensing technologies and modern archeological forensics searched for conclusive physical evidence to help prove or disprove the crash. According to a 2002 national Roper poll of 1,033 adults, less than three people in ten (28%) believe the “official” government story that a weather balloon crashed at that site.
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In Thailand, half a million people gather every year to watch fireballs rise out of the Mekong River. Thousands of reddish-pink balls of light shoot up into the sky above the Mekong, which runs through five nations before flowing out to sea in Vietnam. Locals say the phenomenon has been going on for half a century. The fireballs appear during the full moon of the eleventh lunar month in Nong Khai province, 360 miles northeast of Bangkok. This year the weather was rainy, so only a few dozen were seen.
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Senator Paul Wellstone, who recently died in a small plane crash, narrowly missed death earlier in his government career. On December 1st, 2000, hours before he arrived in Barrancabermeja (Columbia?s most dangerous town), police discovered two shrapnel-wrapped land mines alongside the road leading from the airport.
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