Explorers believe they have discovered remains of another city submerged off the coast of India. In January scientists announced the discovery of an ancient city 120 feet under the sea in the Gulf of Khambhat in northwest India, which could be one of the oldest cities known. Fragments of pottery, carved wood, bone and beads from there have been dated to more than 9,000 years old.
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The Earth?s magnetic poles might be starting to flip, according to Gauthier Hulot of the Institute of Earth Sciences in Paris and his colleagues, who have seen strange anomalies in the Earth?s magnetic field.

The magnetic field is created by the flow of molten iron inside the Earth?s core. These circulation patterns are affected by the Earth?s rotation, so the field normally aligns with the Earth?s axis, forming the north and south poles.
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In 1994, during an unusually cold January in Maryland, birdwatchers began noticing red finches with swollen, crusty eyes. They sat alone on the bird feeders, with ruffled feathers while healthy birds flitted around them. Within weeks, sick finches were reported far beyond the Washington area where they were first observed. By the end of the year, they had been spotted all over the eastern seaboard.

Scientists at the University of Georgia and North Carolina State found the finches were infected with a new strain of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG), a bacterium that is a common cause of upper respiratory infections in chickens. It has never before been seen in songbirds.
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Pamela MacArthur was a healthy artist whose body suddenly started to twitch. She had nightmares and her face erupted in boils so painful that it hurt to roll over in bed. Doctors suggested drugs for acne and psychological disorders, but MacArthur?s dentist had the solution. He removed nine metal fillings and replaced them with plastic substitutes, and soon she was fine.

MacArthur is one of a growing number of people who believe their medical problems are caused by the mercury in their dental fillings. Even though metal fillings are called ?silver,? they are actually an amalgam of half mercury and the other half a mixture of silver, copper, tin and zinc.
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