Get the same diseases – Dogs are a lot like humans: Both species like to eat too much! According to new research, as many as 1 out of 3 cancer deaths in both humans and dogs could be prevented by cutting calories.

Demian Dressler, who is known as the “dog cancer vet” because of his work in the study of canine cancer, recommends severely limiting snack foods for humans and dogs that contain ingredients rich in Omega-6, such as corn oil, vegetable oil and grain-fed red meat. Too much Omega-6 fatty acid can lead to inflammation, which creates an environment conducive to cancer in dogs and people.

In addition, Dressler said studies show obesity in both dogs and humans limits the production of adiponectin, a hormone that has been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth. He recommendw reducing calories, particularly those from sugar, which has the additional danger of not only causing obesity, but also feeds cancer cells and encourages their growth.

In comparing human and canine cancer, Dressler bases his research on evidence that dogs have similar cancers to humans, and veterinary oncology uses almost all the human cancer drugs to treat dogs. A dog’s compressed lifespan allows researchers to see effects of the drugs quickly and apply those findings to humans.

Dieting is Ruff! But Anne Strieber has made those dog days bearable by putting a FREE diet book right here on our website. To read it, click here and scroll down to What I Learned From the Fat Years. Anne Strieber, who used to be a diabetic, devised this diet herself, using scientific principles, andlost 100 pounds by following this path, and you can too. Click on every day to find out the latest facts about food (and everything else!) The only path you can take to make sure we’ll still be here tomorrow with our great radio shows is to subscribe today!

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