It only makes you THINK you’re sober! – People who drink on New Year’s Eve should know that coffee won’t sober them up, but it MAY make it harder for people to realize they’re drunk. And popular caffeinated “alcohol-energy” drinks don’t neutralize alcohol intoxication either.

Researcher Thomas Gould says, “The myth about coffee’s sobering powers is particularly important to debunk because the co-use of caffeine and alcohol could actually lead to poor decisions with disastrous outcomes. People who have consumed only alcohol, who feel tired and intoxicated, may be more likely to acknowledge that they are drunk. Conversely, people who have consumed both alcohol and caffeine may feel awake and competent enough to handle potentially harmful situations, such as driving while intoxicated or placing themselves in dangerous social situations.”

Psychiatrist James C. Garbutt agrees and says that there isn’t a single hangover cure that has been scientifically proven to work. But food can help: He says, “Eating food is an important element in reducing drinking and reducing risk of intoxication.” He suggests you eat a meal before you take your first sip of alcohol and continue to take in food as the night wears on. Food, fats especially, help slow down the body’s absorption of alcohol. But to truly be effective, the food must be in your stomach first. If you wait until you’re feeling buzzed or tipsy to start eating, it’s already too late.We’re here to tell you that it’s NOT too late: Not too late to support the great edge news and wonderful radio shows you love so much, in order to make sure we’ll still be here tomorrow. All you need to do is subscribe today (and please click on the “donate” tab on our homepage too). You can keep us going for less than a latte a WEEK: Less than $12 gets you a 3-month subscription. So what are you waiting for?

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