Starfire Tor has completed a page documenting which of her predictions came true in 2010, and she had a whole slew of hits. We will be talking about them when I host Coast to Coast AM tonight, as well as the incredible timeslip that she, Anne and I experienced together in 2006. Link to Starfire’s report on her predictions:
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At the end of 2009, Coast To
At the end of 2009, Coast To Coast invited famous psychics to do their best in predicting what would come in 2010. I recorded and had time to listen to the show several weeks after it occurred. I was surprised that absolutely no one predicted the devastating Haiti quake that happened between the show and when I listened to it. Starfire Tor, according to her site, predicted a generic increase in quakes, but nothing about the huge one in Haiti with all the following massive deaths and ongoing suffering. I would think someone as sensitive as she is believed to be would have felt all that, but there it is, I guess she and everyone else just… missed it or had a time slip or something. I don’t remember anyone predicting BP destroying the Gulf of Mexico, either. Shouldn’t those things have stood out like very clear beacons to self-professed psychics and seers, in tune with the conscious of earth? Maybe Mom Nature was playing a trick on them. Glad I haven’t sent any of them any of my money… :