The all-time classic Communion audiobook as read by Roddy McDowell. It joins Majestic and the Secret School in our growing collection of Whitley Strieber audiobooks. You can download part one from it from the Special Interviews section or navigate to Whitley’s Room and click on “Audiobook” in the subject cloud to the right, to find all parts of all three audiobooks. All audiobooks are Copyright ( C) Walker & Collier, Inc., and are available for your personal use only. They may not be uploaded to the internet.

Dreamland Video podcast
To watch the FREE video version on YouTube, click here.

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  1. I look forward to downloading
    I look forward to downloading this when links become available!

  2. me too. I have read all his
    me too. I have read all his books a number of times and look forward to the audiobook. only part 1 is available now.

  3. Wow about 7 minutes into book
    Wow about 7 minutes into book one, there is somone in the backround that sneezes twice. Was this intential?

    1. I heard it too. Whitley, I
      I heard it too. Whitley, I hate to be picky, but is there any chance of re-uploading this file (well, re-recording it) minus the sneezing and background noise, please?! It does sort of ruin it….and I don’t want some guy sneezing in my ear when listening to this on mp3!!! 🙂

  4. A wonderful book that
    A wonderful book that seriously kicked it all off . Used to have on cassette tape many years ago, and so look forward to revisiting this in better non hiss format hahaha.

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