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Mike has a powerful conversation with his editor, fellow experiencer and friend, Suzanne Chancellor. They dig into the challenges and strangeness in their lives.

Suzanne is a lifetime experiencer and contactee. Although most might label her experiences as “alien abductions”, she has now come to realize that the experience is far more complex, and surpasses the boundaries of our own limitations of what we consider real.

Her website is Random Alien Brain Droppings, and you can view her UFO footage there. You’ll also find a strong collection of personal essays and podcasts.

Here’s a list of Suzanne’s previous appearences on Unknown Country:  She talks with Anne Strieber in 2012 on the Contactee series. , with Whitley on Dreamland, and in 2014 with Jeremy on The Experience.

They also talk about Mike’s most recent book, Hidden Experience (edited by Suzanne). It’s a collection  of essays from ten years of blogging, and tells his personal journey of owls, synchronicity and UFO contact.


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Dreamland Video podcast
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Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.


  1. So, here are a few birthday dates you mentioned during the interview that resonated with me…….

    March 26, (was my dad’s birthday).
    August 22, 1940 was the birth date of my former spouse. (Now deceased).

  2. A nice interview that does tread a bit on familiar ground for those who have been following Mike’s work and experiences. Personally I like to get the chance to be a fly on the wall listening to two friends have a chat about their experiences and that’s what this feels like.

  3. Mike’s podcast is an excellent exciting new addition to Unknown Country. He is a great interviewer, has a smooth voice that doesn’t wear you out (from too much energy), and the guests are mature people worthy of the weekly spotlight.

  4. I agree with the others, and their positive take on the new addition to dreamland / unknown country. Mike, wonderful to have you here. Keep up the good work! Wonderful interview/conversation.

  5. Thank you Mike and Suzanne! Wonderful and fascinating listening to you both speak about this!

  6. Wonderful dialogue. Nice to hear people who are deep into the mystery – exchanging friendly knowledge and questions. What a treat to hear intelligent questions laid down in front of “ the experience “. Thank you Suzanne and Mike!

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