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Just in time for Halloween….

It’s a ghost lore cliche: an old covered bridge. The ghost of a woman who committed suicide there shows up at midnight to unsuspecting travelers. Now imagine that you go there to see if it’s true and instead of finding a ghost, you find yourself on the human end of a completely different high strangeness experience. And then you realize… you’re at the wrong bridge on the other side of town. Meet Kellen….

Dreamland Video podcast
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  1. Very interesting interview.
    Very interesting interview. The car and phone electronic malfunction , and the silence and “air sucked out of the area” feeling certainly are high strangeness cues. Kellan seems to have a practical and balanced attitude towards her experiences. She mentions growing up in the Great Lakes area which has a long history of paranormal activity. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about the trickster element in her story-from being at the wrong bridge to the electronic antics! Because her father validated the fact that he, too, had seen lights in the woods that shouldn’t be there, I would guess that there is a generational aspect to her families’ experiences. It may be that her children will be experiencers too. Her practical and non fear-based approach would be healthy and comforting to a child who does not understand what may be happening. Too many adults brush off childrens’ attempts to communicate experiences with a” you have a good imagination, it was all a dream, you are making it up” attitude. This young mother will no doubt be able field questions from her children in a much more perceptive manner. Thanks, Kellan, for sharing your story.

  2. Jeremy, great show, as usual.
    Jeremy, great show, as usual. Caused me to “re-organize my thinking. How much can we “know”?, How do we know?, and “Why?” Thanks for the questions!

  3. I went back and re-listened
    I went back and re-listened to the first section of the show and wanted to comment about the unknown phone numbers on the witnesses phones. Did anyone happened to write down those numbers? Because this certainly sounds like an INVITATION for the participants to initiate contact!

    Maybe we should keep our cell phones with us when out looking for UFOs…

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