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  1. (Oooh, no description. How
    (Oooh, no description. How ominous.) So, the toilet elf invited him into the toilet and then the beach beings invited him to throw his life down the toilet — connection? The other thing that occurs to me is that he didn’t necessarily want himself to die, he wanted *that life* to die — and thankfully he was able to kill it. What was left of him carried on beyond it. (Also, what his Dad experienced at the end is called ‘terminal lucidity’ – skeptiko did a show on it.)

  2. Jeremy, while reading the
    Jeremy, while reading the interview description and listening to ‘Dark Night of the Soul,’ this ancient ritual/ceremony from Egypt crossed my mind.

    Midnight hour…..
    Throughout Ancient Egypt, it was common belief that, after a Pharaoh passed away and the mummification was complete; THE DARK OF NIGHT was when the trials he had to go through played out. The twelve gates took twelve hours and, if the sun rose the next morning, it meant that the Pharaoh was successful in the Underworld. On the flip side, they believed that, if a Pharaoh failed, then the sun would no longer appear and life as they knew it would be destroyed.

    The Midnight Hour/Like A Prayer…..

    Even has a swirling blue eye projected onto the floor about 1 minute 18 seconds into the performance.

  3. Fresh Laundry, you are
    Fresh Laundry, you are totally correct in assuming that my “OBE”, could be me talking to myself ( as I already postulated during my conversation with Jer). I have pondered this experience many times over the years and as much as I’ve tried to rationalize it as a product of the brain or some other bio chemical misfire due to substance abuse and as usual, it just leaves me confused ( at least in some level), but enables me to carry in with my life. Thank you for the “terminal lucidity” reference to Sheptiko” podcast which i listened to a while back. Apart from giving the condition a name, the interview didn’t bring anything new to light IMO. Hopefully the studies that they are doing in Iceland and other countries will bring new insights.

  4. The guest’s insight that
    The guest’s insight that people abusing substances might subconsciously be reaching out to have that sort of shamanic experience without being aware that that’s what’s driving their actions really reminds me of Terence Mckenna’s musings on substance abuse in contemporary Western society in Food of the Gods.

    It’s an interesting thought. Perhaps if our society acknowledged that aspect of our selves and our lives and allowed and encouraged us to experience it (whether through meditation, psychedelics or other techniques) we wouldn’t have as much substance abuse in our culture. Obviously, if this is true, there are likely other expressions of that imbalance besides substance abuse (violence, insecurity, depression, mental illness), but they could all be driven by our denial of and separation from our connection to the “spiritual” universe, if you want to call it that. No way to know for sure, but it’s an appealing thought that makes sense, emotionally.

    I personally suspect that each of us does have an innate need for that kind of ego and boundary dissolving experience, but since our society tells us that it doesn’t exist and doesn’t matter (all that matters is objective material science and money) we end up walking around with an unacknowledged void and try to fill it with destructive and/or self-destructive behaviors.

  5. Carolee wrote:

    Carolee wrote:
    “Midnight hour…..
    Throughout Ancient Egypt, it was common belief that, after a Pharaoh passed away and the mummification was complete; THE DARK OF NIGHT was when the trials he had to go through played out. The twelve gates took twelve hours and, if the sun rose the next morning, it meant that the Pharaoh was successful in the Underworld. On the flip side, they believed that, if a Pharaoh failed, then the sun would no longer appear and life as they knew it would be destroyed.”

    Great story/find. I have not heard this one before.

    Read the original source:

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