In this powerful half hour, Whitley Strieber ends 2012 by going down a list of all the secrets the government keeps, from UFOs to JFK to 911. And remember Flight 800? Whitley does and he is still asking questions.

This talk is mind opening, often shocking and, when you realize just how much is being kept from us, deeply infuriating. But it does not need to stay this way. Whitley makes the point that we are essentially supporting a vast secret society that is the United States government, and that we cannot be free until we know the truths that are being hidden from us.
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One of the most startling sections of Whitley Strieber’s new book Solving the Communion Enigma is the part that concerns the connection between the close encounter experience and encounters with the dead. Here, Rob and Trish MacGregor and Whitley tell some of these informative and revealing stories, and Trish lets us know about something that happened to her at one of healer Eric Pearl’s seminars that is just completely unforgettable. Who are the dead? Where are they? And what on–or off–earth do they have to do with the visitors? This show is a real eye-opener.
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Throughout the literature of the close encounter experience and the narrative of many witnesses there is an undertone of material that seems to have a relationship to the tantric disciplines of the far east. In addition, there is in the west a long tradition of stories of attacks by entities known as incubi and succubi, that is repeated in close enconter stories. So what’s this all about? Whitley Strieber and Peter Levenda discuss this aspect of the experience.
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What if the visitors show up all over the world in numbers? What if there is a magnetic pole shift? What if something else happens that changes the world very suddenly and very profoundly? In this talk, Whitley Strieber discusses the kinds of sudden change that could appear without warning, and the profound ways in which they could alter the way we live and think and perceived the world around us.
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