The United Kingdom has been shrouded in a blanket of smog for the past few days, caused by record levels of pollution.

The U.K. government stated that the situation is temporary and has arisen due to a ‘combination of local emissions, light winds, pollution from the continent and dust blown over from the Sahara’, but this allegedly blinkered viewpoint has been widely criticized.

European Commission spokesperson, Joe Hennon, described the prime minister’s comments as "more than disappointing" and of showing a "clear misunderstanding" of the air pollution crisis.
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Millions of fish are dying in rivers all over the planet and no valid explanation has been given. The reports have come in from every corner of the world, from Sweden to South Korea, and appear only to be connected by the bizarre nature of the phenomena.

A terrifying list, compiled by Michael Snyder (former Washington D.C. attorney, publisher of ‘The Truth’ ezine and author of ‘The Beginning Of The End’), details die-off events occurring worldwide over the course of JUST ONE MONTH this summer:
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In 2001, we reported that dust clouds from China regularly sweep across the Western United States, bringing with them bits of rock, dinosaur fossils and even particles of mummies." Now pollution is arriving from the Japanese tsunami in the form of massive floating rubbish islands almost 70 miles long, containing the remains of destroyed cars and buildings, as well as human body parts. More than 200,000 buildings were carried out to sea by the tsunami caused by the 9.0 quake on March 11.
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A national study by the U.S. Geological Survey of U.S. streams across 30 states shows they are polluted by the painkillers acetaminophen and ibuprofen, prescription medicines for cardiac disorders and hypertension, and female sex hormones used in birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy.

The national survey specifically targeted 95 organic wastewater contaminants. The researchers sampled 139 stream sites throughout the country, during 1999-2000. In addition to medications, caffeine and cotinine, a nicotine breakdown product, were also among the most frequently detected compounds. So too were cholesterol and coprostanol, steroids that can be indicative of fecal contamination.
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