The next war won’t be over conflicts in Asia or the Middle East–between India and Pakistan or Israel and the Palestinians. If history is any guide, it will be a result of climate change. Examples from the past include the Thirty Years’ War between Europe’s most powerful countries, which last for years during the some of Europe’s coldest decades. It soon went from bad to worse as the Plague arrived.
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The next war may be when China tries to reclaim Taiwan OR it may be when Russia tries to reclaim the Arctic. Russia’s defense minister says the military will deploy two army brigades–of thousands of soldiers each–to help protect the nation’s interests in the Arctic. Russia, the US, Canada, Denmark and Norway have all been trying to claim parts of the Arctic, which are believed to hold up to a quarter of the Earth’s undiscovered oil and gas.
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When we think of war, we think of the number of "boots on the ground" we have in Iraq and Afghanistan, but this type of war is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Instead, future wars will be fought with remote-controlled drones and computers. This has probably already happened: The computers that control Iran’s nuclear arsenal were recently hacked into around a year ago, probably by Israel.
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One of the joys of this season is listening to Christmas carols, but some of our brave soldiers are returning from war with a special problem: deafness. Researchers haven’t solved the deafness problem yet, but they are working to get soldiers used to the sounds of battle. Inside a non-descript, soundproof building on the south side of town, Missouri researchers are building an audio battlefield, complete with the sounds of tanks, ordinance, gunfire, shouting and helicopters, in an effort to better prepare soldiers for combat.
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