TheThanksgiving holiday is a time to reflect upon all of the good things in our lives, and to give thanks for them. Some would argue, however, that our world would be a much better place if ‘thanksgiving’ became a daily practice rather than a once yearly pursuit, and it appears that science has now found proof to substantiate this viewpoint.

Recent studies indicate that experiencing genuine gratitude can have an extremely positive effect on every aspect of our lives, from our health and well being to our relationships and careers. Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., at the University of California at Davis has been researching the effects of gratitude for some time and has conducted numerous studies on the subject.
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Subscribe today and you can listen to Whitley Strieber talk about his experiences and powerful emotions upon his return to his old cabin in upstate New York for the first time in fourteen years. When he lost the cabin, just at the height of his contact experiences, he vowed never to return, but two weeks ago, he finally did. Dreamland listeners get a special treat as well: Linda Moulton Howe interviews Dr. Stephen Goldfarb about the CERN collider and its search for the God particle.

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Scientists now say there is DEFINITELY water on the moon, LOTS of it.

In the November 13th edition of the New York Times, Kenneth Chang quotes NASA’s Anthony Colaprete as saying, “Indeed yes, we found water.” They actually found it by accident, when a satellite called Lcross crashed into a crater near the moon

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You may love to eat white mashed potatoes with your turkey, but sweet potatoes are better for you. Nutritionists tell us we need to eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables, even in space (and we all know how important green is)!
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