With the same type of fiber optic cables used in telecommunications systems, researchers have developed a way to detect and pinpoint the excavation of tunnels during times of war, such as those used for smuggling weapons into Gaza. So is it possible they could help us locate Bin-Laden too? Another terrorist threat is still high on the list of possible US catastrophes.
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Whitley’s new novel tells why – As he leaves office, President George W. Bush has warned Barack Obama that a terrorist attack on American soil remains the greatest threat that the United States faces. He said that he continued to receive a terror briefing every morning except Sundays throughout his term in office, and that “there’s still an enemy out there that would like to inflict damage on Americans.” Whitley Strieber’s new thriller Critical Mass, to be published on February 17, reflects the reality of this threat and what it means to our futures.read more

Will our next president take the United States out of the torture business? Human rights experts says that torture and political imprisonment are on the rise in many countries around the world and the United States is setting a bad example. A famous experiment?done in the past and replicated recently?may help explain why this is.
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There were 30 years of IRA terrorism in the UK, and then it was us. Now the recent horrific attacks in Mumbai have shown how difficult it is for developing states to be safe from terrorism. Since 2005, this is the fourth major attack in India, following bomb blasts and machine gun attacks in Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai. Will this lead to war between India and Pakistan?
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