A well-known characteristic of decaying matter–the rate of which has always been constant–has suddenly started behaving mysteriously, and this seems to be caused by a mysterious particle emanating from the sun. In recent years; the carbon decay rates of radioactive elements have begun changing: The decay rate is slightly faster in winter than in summer. Since the Earth is closer to the sun during the winter months in the Northern Hemisphere could the sun be influencing decay rates?
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We know that the Sun has an effect on radioactive particles here on Earth. As the 2012 presidential election starts to heat up, we ask ourselves: Could the Sun also influence our politics? Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky proposed this theory in 1915: Solar storms, interacting with the Earth’s magnetic field, trigger conflict, wars and death by causing mass changes in human moods, emotions and behavioral patterns.
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The scientific community has been amazed to discover that there are changes taking place in the nuclear decay rate in particles being emitted from the depths of the sun. This is an unprecedented change, and David Sereda here discusses what we are likely to experience as this process continues. The increase of energy involved, which started in 2006, will affect everything on earth, including the human body and the human mind. Scientists believe that it is happening because the solar system has entered an area of the galaxy that is affecting our sun–and us–in ways that we have never seen before. Could the "cosmic sap" predicted by the Mayans to enter the world in 2012 be a "cosmic sub-atomic particle?" Listen and find out!
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