For the first time, the strange sounds that have been present in our world are being connected with triangular UFOs. The sounds being heard are so loud, that it’s difficult to believe that the triangles or some sort of conventional stealth aircraft. As one of Linda’s guests comments, ‘audio connects to fight or flight responses in the brain.’ But why have the triangular craft suddenly become associated with sound when they have been almost universally observed to be silent.
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On July 12 Megadeth drummer Nick Menza recorded a triangular UFO over Los Angeles. Here, Linda Moulton Howe interviews witnesses who had powerful and frightening experiences with just such triangles that included eerie and terrifying trumpet sounds that have been heard around the world in recent years. One of these witnesses had an extremely close and terrifying encounter with a triangle. There was some sort of a threat involved concerning the remote viewing work that this witness was doing near Area 51. 

These are very unusual and powerful testaments, well worth your careful attention.
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Strange and frightening trumpet sounds were heard around the world in 2011 and 2012. Now they’re back, along with unexplained explosions. Linda Moulton Howe interviews witnesses, who describe these ominous sounds and the effect they have when they are heard. For the first time, Linda is able to ask direct witnesses what they feel while the sounds are heard, and their answers are chilling and sobering.
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Over the past few years, Unknown Country has been monitoring stories of numerous strange and inexplicable noises which have been reported all across the globe. For the most part, the source of these strange sounds, or ‘Hums’ as they have become known, has remained a mystery. Those areas known to have long-standing Hum problems include Leeds and Bristol in England, Taos in New Mexico, Windsor in Ontario, Largs in Scotland, Kokomo in Indiana, and Bondi in Sydney, Australia. The noises, which were first reported in the 1950s, are described as low-frequency ‘humming, droning, throbbing or rumbling’, similar to a diesel engine idling.
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