Whitley describes a new physical encounter that involved a direct face-to-face experience. It is his first physical encounter in a long time, but since it happened, there has been a second. His knowledge of the experience is now so extensive and deep that his descriptions of the experience and his explorations of its meaning are unique in the world and to be treasured. There has never been anything like his body of work or his devotion to and insight into the close encounter experience before.
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Whitley Strieber retells the parable of the prodigal son in a completely new way that is at once enlightening and deeply freeing. Listening to this, you come to understand yourself in a new way, and to see how to accept yourself as exactly what you are. It’s as beautiful and powerful a talk as he has ever given. Twenty minutes of pure gold.
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Anne Strieber’s contribution to the Afterlife Revolution is truly astonishing and revealing. What is the afterlife? What is it really like? What does it mean to be in a nonphysical state? What is the secret of becoming enlightened?

Listen as Whitley reads some of the amazing things she says in the book, that take the whole issue of the afterlife and what it means to a new level. There has never been anything remotely like what is going on between Whitley and Anne, that has led to their book and the new kind of life they are now living.
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Anne Strieber has conclusively proved her continued presence in a double-blind study conducted by a major researcher in the area of afterlife studies. In this discussion, she and Whitley explain what she did and why. This is a delightful conversation between two people who are now sharing one body. It is pure joy and you can hear it in Whitley’s voice. Prepare for some serious fun!
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