China conducted two successful hypersonic vehicle tests over the summer, feared by US intelligence officials to be high-speed nuclear delivery systems. The tests surprised US officials in what appears to be an apparent leap in spacecraft technology that went unnoticed by intelligence analysts in the west. If these reports areread more

New research from the California Institute of Technology has narrowed down the area of the sky that the elusive Planet Nine might be hiding in. The new data includes a more succinct estimate of the planet’s mass and orbital characteristics, offering ongoing astronomical surveys a “treasure map” of sorts that might expediteread more

In the face of officially-accepted solid evidence of the existence of UFOs and the open endorsement by the Pentagon for the investigation of what they now admit is a true unknown, it became inevitable that some former skeptics and debunkers of the phenomenon would reverse course and at least ceaseread more

Harvard University’s Astronomy Department has launched a new SETI initiative called The Galileo Project. But instead of looking to the stars for signs of intelligent life, the project will look for potential extraterrestrial artifacts in our own Solar System—and even in the skies of Earth itself. In 2017 a highlyread more