They’re spying on us again (NOTE: subscribers can still listen to this show). Will there be no relief from what seems to be the end of privacy?

The ads you receive in your email spam are already selected to reflect your browsing and buying patterns, but now Microsoft wants to go even farther–they want to add your EMOTIONS to the mix.
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We’re being spied on by drones, but hackers have found a way to fight back!

Researchers have found a way to hack into GPS-guided drones with something called "spoofing." They can then guide them to another location or crash the drones into the ground. This works even better than the previous technique of jamming, which blocks the drones’ access to GPS signals.
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In the past, reading a novel or book of nonfiction was a private matter, and publishers had no way of knowing how much you liked a book or if you flipped through it quickly or became immersed and enchanted. If they COULD know this, they would design books that were more compatible for readers’ tastes. Well, now with the kindle and other e-books, they’ve found a way to do this–and reading isn’t private anymore.

In the June 29th edition of the Wall Street Journal, Alexandra Alter writes: "Do most readers skip over the introduction, or read it closely, underlining passages and scrawling notes in the margins?"
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