The silent drone that may be tracking you can stay on the job forever. It’s like a permanent closed circuit camera, except it’s not mounted in the local liquor store but it’s following you around. Is there any way to fight back?

The electric version of Lockheed Martin’s Stalker has a battery that usually lasts just two hours, but in a recent test, a laser power system wirelessly recharged a drone battery in midair for 24 times as long.
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Spying is not only going on at the Olympics (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), it’s RAMPANT.

France is using the internet to check out the competition. Someone from the US cycling team secretly rode the competition course in London for this summer’s Olympic Games with a three-dimensional mapping device so the Americans could build and train on a replica of it.

The US sailing team has bought property near the Olympic competition site in Weymouth, UK in order to study the weather and current conditions before the games.
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They’re spying on us again (NOTE: subscribers can still listen to this show). Will there be no relief from what seems to be the end of privacy?

The ads you receive in your email spam are already selected to reflect your browsing and buying patterns, but now Microsoft wants to go even farther–they want to add your EMOTIONS to the mix.
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We’re being spied on by drones, but hackers have found a way to fight back!

Researchers have found a way to hack into GPS-guided drones with something called "spoofing." They can then guide them to another location or crash the drones into the ground. This works even better than the previous technique of jamming, which blocks the drones’ access to GPS signals.
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