Scientists are still trying to break the cosmic speed limit that says that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, even if it means bending the laws of physics. While they don’t yet know if WE can do it, there’s evidence that PARTICLES can move faster than light.

As for us humans, we may still be stuck on the elevator, but an experiment called OPERA (for Oscillation Project with Emulsion tRacking Apparatus) recently announced that it has spotted neutrinos travelling a few fractions of a second faster than the speed of light.
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When a group of physicists who called themselves "Opera" announced in September that a group of subatomic particles called neutrinos had traveled faster than the speed of light, many physicists assumed something had gone wrong with the experiment, since it violated one of the cardinal laws of physics: Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Now another team of physicists, calling themselves "Icarus," reported that they have repeated the experiment and found that they raced along at the speed of light and not a bit faster.
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We may live in a holographic projection of another, flat version of life, being lived in a two-dimensional surface at the edge of this universe. Seeing our universe as a hologram could solve some of the biggest problems in quantum physics, such as "spooky action at a distance," also known as quantum entanglement, in which two particles become entangled and when something happens to one of them, it instantly happens to the other.
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