The US is threatening nations that want to ban Monsanto’s genetically-modified seeds with trade sanctions. This includes some of our major Western trading partners, such as France, which has banned the planting of the aggressive GM Starlink variety of corn.

Wikileaks reveals that in 2007, the US ambassador to France (and business partner of President George W. Bush), Craig Stapleton, requested that the nations in the European Union that did not support GM crops should be penalized.
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Why has a “doomsday” seed vault been created? Could it be because of the uncontrollable spread of genetically engineered seed? A vault filled with samples of seeds from the world’s major crops is now open in Norway, carved into a remote, snow-covered mountain. It can hold 4.5 million groups of seeds.

In Yahoo, Pierre-Henry Deshayes quotes Cary Fowler, of the Global Crop Diversity Trust, as saying, “The facility is built to hold twice as many varieties of agricultural crops as we think exist. It will not be filled up in my lifetime, nor in my grandchildren’s lifetime.”
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