Tired of the scan and the pat down? The type of teleportation that we all remember from "Star Trek" may soon be a reality (It may be the way UFOs fly, and with this type of transportation, no one can shoot them down). An object you can see in front of you may exist simultaneously in a parallel universe.read more

Weekend Reading – In a stunning breakthrough, a group of scientists havediscovered how to quantum entangle two images. This means,when one image is changed, the other images also changes,even though there is absolutely no connection between them.It is believed that this effect would hold true even if theywere on opposite sides of the universe. The next step willbe to generate quantum-entangled images with slowed-downlight. This will result in literally gigantic informationstorage abilities, far greater than the human brain andvastly greater than any machine that exists now. Will thismean artificial intelligence?read more

In the submicroscopic world, things behave in strange ways. The laws of quantum mechanics are different from the Newtonian laws that govern the macro world?for instance, one quantum physicist has discovered that he can lower the temperature of an object or cause it to move just by watching it.
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Quantum mechanics has been called “the skeleton in Albert Einstein’s closet,” because while he proposed the theory of relativity, which is the cornerstone of quantum mechanics, he thought that quantum laws were too random and said, “God doesn’t play dice with the universe.” But scientists have found out that He DOES.

Despite the fact that quantum physics is science at the extreme edge, a surprising number of modern technologies, some of which we use every day, have come from it?including computers and flat-screen TVs. Quantum physicist Fred Kuttner says, “Physicists can use quantum mechanics and calculate with it beautifully, but nobody understands it.”
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