Soul singer Betty Everett once proclaimed, “If you want to know if he loves you so, it’s in his kiss.” But a new study by University of Chicago researchers suggests the difference between love and lust might be in the eyes after all.

Specifically, the direction of your date’s gaze you could indicate whether they are feeling love or lust is, and what their intentions towards you might be. The new study found that eye patterns concentrate on a stranger’s face if the viewer sees that person as a potential partner in romantic love, but the viewer gazes more at the other person’s body if he or she is feeling sexual desire. That automatic judgment can occur in as little as half a second, producing different gaze patterns.
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Conspiracy theorists are often referred to as crazy "cranks," or "crackpots," and the more outlandish their theories the more rigorously they are derided. The truth can often be stranger than fiction, however, so the pursuit of the truth should be a laudable endeavor and not something to be ridiculed or scoffed at.

Consequently, it comes as no surprise that a recent study has identified conspiracy theorists as being more sane than their conventionalist counterparts.

Those who always accept the official version of events without question are less likely to be of sound judgement, while those labeled as conspiracy theorists appear to possess more clarity and presence of mind.
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Your furniture can affect your psychology, since our decisions are caused by our circumstances. But HOW does this happen?

Some of this is pretty amazing: When researchers put participants in chairs that leaned slightly to the left, they became slightly more leftish in their political views.

When psychologists asked volunteers to sit in wobbly chairs, and lean on a wobbly table while they answered a survey about the stability of those celebrity relationships that we’re always reading about in the tabloids, they checked the box that said all of them would break up soon (sensing that their furniture was about to do this as well).
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