From weather changes to the future of America to an axial shift in civilization as China expands and the US withdraws from the world, John Hogue discusses the changes that are coming in 2018. Using a combination of his predictive skills learned from years of studying Nostradamus to his expertise in astrology, John shines a light on what we can expect 2018 to bring.
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John Hogue has gone deeply into Hopi prophecy in his new book, and here he tells us some of the startling discoveries he has made, with special reference to the last blood moon of this era, which rises on September 28, a date when Christian fundamentalists, astrologers and many others are predicting great changes. But what does it all REALLY mean? Find out what John thinks in this terrific interview. And then go beyond and deeper with John, into rarely discussed Tibetan prophecies from 700 AD, and their chilling connection to the present era.
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