A multinational team of researchers has found evidence of human habitation in South Africa’s Wonderwerk Cave stretching back in time to nearly 2 million years ago—perhaps the earliest known habitation of a cave by humans—offering a timeline of the evolution of stone tools, the use of fire, and even theread more

Although assumed that reversals in the Earth’s magnetic field has little noticeable impact on the living organisms on this planet, the discovery of well-preserved trees dating from the last geomagnetic reversal 42,000 years ago suggest that such an event may cause major disruptions for both the climate, and the planet’sread more

A new study suggests that some ancient humans may have had an ability that many of us would like to have at the end of each year: to be able to hibernate through the cold winter months. This new theory regarding our ancestors and their close cousins came from half-million-year-oldread more

Archaeologists in Peru have uncovered a previously-undiscovered member of the Nazca Line family: the image of a giant cat, etched into the side of a hill initially intended to be the site of a new tourist path. This formidable feline joins a menagerie made up of birds, monkeys, fish, reptiles, andread more