A new study shows that the increasing melt of the polar ice sheets is causing the planet’s crust to warp, as the weight of the ice is lessened; causing an upward rebound of the bedrock in the affected regions, and horizontal movement of the landscape. Although the decrease in iceread more

Following an abnormally warm spring, the Arctic has lost a record amount of ice for the month of June,  from both sea surface ice and glaciers in Greenland. On June 12, parts of Greenland saw temperatures rise up to 40°F (22°C) above normal, but not before the sea ice extentread more

A $17 million expedition aimed at studying the effects of climate change in Canada’s Hudson Bay has been postponed due to complications brought about by climate change itself. An unusually heavy southward flow of surface ice from the Arctic has blocked the safe passage of the Canadian Research Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen, on the first leg of her mission to ferry 40 scientists participating in the Hudson Bay System Study (BaySys).
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There’s really no place to hide from the heat: new reports from both ends of the world show just some of the consequences of a steadily warming planet. The NSIDC and NASA have announced a new record low in the Arctic sea ice cover, and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia is suffering a devastating bleaching event — both the result of higher global temperatures.
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