Plants are generally considered to be more basic forms of life than animals. They cannot speak, or walk; they do not have powers of reasoning or conscious thought.

Or do they?

Scientists are now coming around to the idea that plants are sentient living beings, with a sophisticated awareness of their surroundings. Not only that, but research shows that they can communicate with one another, can pay attention to stimuli, have the capacity to memorize information. Charles Darwin was ahead of his time when he wrote his book "The Power of Movement in Plants", though at that time he was alone amongst his peers with this viewpoint.
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It’s been known that plantscommunicate with each other, but biologists didn’t know how they did it. It turns out they do it by making "clicking" sounds.

Some plants use smell to communicate. For instance, plants like cabbage can emit a volatile gas that warns their vegetable neighbors that danger is nearby–anything from caterpillars to garden shears.
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It’s not a matter of the plants making a moral choice, it’s a result of too much rain. Scientists studying carnivorous plants in Swedish bogs found that the extra nitrogen deposited in the soil from rain reduced how many insects the plants trapped. Pollution from cars and power plants causes nitrogen-rich rain, so more reaches the ground in some areas.

In other words, predator plants may cut back on flies if they can access key nutrients elsewhere.

In BBC News, Matt Bardo quotes biologist Jonathan Millett as saying, "If there’s plenty of nitrogen available to their roots, they don’t eat as much. Basically, it’s like adding more fertilizer."
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