Throughout the literature of the close encounter experience and the narrative of many witnesses there is an undertone of material that seems to have a relationship to the tantric disciplines of the far east. In addition, there is in the west a long tradition of stories of attacks by entities known as incubi and succubi, that is repeated in close enconter stories. So what’s this all about? Whitley Strieber and Peter Levenda discuss this aspect of the experience.
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Tantrism is very little understood in the west, or, for that matter, in the east. But what is it, and how does it relate to the evolution of the human heart and the human soul? In this discussion, Peter Levenda tells us about his journey among the Tantric Temples of Java, and explains the relationship between human sexuality and human spirituality in a frank and mature manner that will enable us to start down a path of renewal of our sexuality as the spiritual experience that it was meant to be.
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As the author of Sinister Forces, Peter Levenda is one of the world’s leading experts on the occult influences and hidden powers that have dominated world history from the beginning. His deep understanding of the occult structures hidden within modern societies and governments is more

Popular Dreamland host Peter Levenda will be on The Nostradamus Effect, a new History Channel show which will premiere on Wednesday, Oct. 30 at 9 pm Pacific. It’s a show about how the prophecies of Nostradamus influenced Hitler: Don’t miss it!

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