The continued thawing of Arctic permafrost is causing the accelerated release of previously-trapped methane deposits, as evidenced by both satellite imagery and findings made by field researchers in Siberia. Accumulated after having been produced by biological activity, these methane deposits have been frozen in the permafrost for millennia and are being released as the Arctic steadily warms due to climate change.
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Ozone helps shield people, animals and crops from damaging ultraviolet rays from the sun. Much of the concern about the ozone layer has focused on Antarctica, where a seasonal hole, or thinning, has been seen for two decades, and the Arctic, where a hole was observed last year. But those regions have almost no population.
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We need to think about OZONE again! – We’ve warned about food shortages before, but now there’s a new reason crops are being damaged: ozone. Global warming, bee deaths, droughts and fuel prices are just a few reasons for the current global food crisis that is making headlines around the world. Rising levels of ozone in the atmosphere from vehicle emissions are also part of the problem, lowering the yield of important food crops, such as wheat and soybeans.
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Closing the ozone hole has been good for global warming too. Now an idea is being proposed to offset global warming by injecting reflective particles into the stratosphere. But this would have a drastic impact on Earth’s protective ozone layer.
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