We’re prepared not only for a possible nuclear power plant meltdown of our own, but we’re also more prepared for a terrorist "dirty bomb." The amount of radiation released during the Fukushima nuclear disaster was so great that the level of atmospheric radioactive aerosols that wafted across the ocean into Washington state was 10,000 to 100,000 times greater than normal levels in the week following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that triggered the disaster.read more

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has warned that the nation?s 103 nuclear power plants could be a target of an airline attack. ?The NRC issued a message saying you need to be aware that there is some information that indicates a nuclear power plant could be a target and to be aware of your surroundings and report anything unusual to the FBI,? says Gordon Johndroe, spokesman for Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge.

Another U.S. official says the NRC document is based on information passed on by the FBI after a senior al Qaeda operative was debriefed. The document warns of a second airline attack on America, this time on a nuclear power plant.
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