Did Steve Jobs have a vision of the afterlife on his death-bed? Does quantum physics suggest that our mind might survive the physical death of our body? How do some near-death experiencers ‘see’ outside of their bodies at a time when they are supposed to be dead? In ‘Stop Worrying! There Probably is an Afterlife’, author Greg Taylor covers all these questions and more. From Victorian seance rooms through to modern scientific laboratories, Taylor surveys the fascinating history of research into the survival of human consciousness, and returns with a stunning conclusion: that maybe we should stop worrying so much about death, because there probably is an afterlife.
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The near-death experience reported by cardiac arrest survivors worldwide may be grounded in science, according to research at the University of Michigan.

Previously, it was not believed that the brain could be active after death, but now it appears that there is a burst of superconsicous activity for about 30 seconds AFTER its blood flow has stopped. Some scientists are saying that this is proof that the near-death experience is ‘all in the brain,’ but others aren’t so sure.

A U-M study showed shortly after clinical death, in which the heart stops beating and blood stops flowing to the brain, rats display brain activity patterns characteristic of conscious perception.
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Resuscitation expert Dr. Sam Parnia has shown that, with proper treatment, people can be returned to live even hours after they have died. By cooling the blood and brain after death, brain damage can be prevented while organs such as the heart have more time to be repaired or heal. Instead of being declared dead after 20 minutes without blood circulation as is common in medical practice today, patients can be resuscitated even after hours have passed. But what happens to the patient when he is dead, and absolutely all neurological activity has ceased? 
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In 2001, "Eva" experienced the same type of stroke that would strike Anne Strieber 3 years later. Like Anne, she experienced a powerful near-death experience. In fact, she had one of the MOST intense NDEs anybody at Unknowncountry has ever heard described. Listen as she tells her enthralling, heart rending story to Anne Strieber, and these two NDE experiencers compare notes.

To our knowledge, this interview is unique in the literature. Both the interviewer and the interviewee were led to death’s door by the same dangerous illness, and both have returned with amazing and important messages.

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