In this age of performance augmentation, rumors of cognitive enhancement therapies abound. Loosely defined, certain types of cognitive enhancers are available to us all without needing to visit the doctor or a drug-dealer; the vast majority of the world’s inhabitants kick-start their day (and their brain!) with a cup of tea or coffee, utilising the caffeine content of favorite beverages to chemically augment their neurological systems and give them a temporary high that propels them through the initial shock of a brand new day.
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Over the past few decades, the world has been overwhelmed by a so-called "new-age" movement that has focused on greater personal and spiritual awareness, mindfulness and the power of positive thinking.

Related books, CDs, DVDs and seminars on the subject abound as people are tempted by the prospect of manifesting riches, good health and the ideal lover but the trend also has its critics, as the concept that we create our own individual experiences based on our thoughts is not always a popular one.Many people find it difficult to accept that they could be responsible for the negative events – or positive – that occur in their lives, preferring instead to feel that such events are "fated" or governed by a higher power.
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Scientists have discovered that ultrasound directed to a specific areas of the brain can enhance sensory awareness and perception in the brain.

Most people are familiar with the use of ultrasound scanners as devices that utilise high frequency sound waves to create images of internal organs. This technology has now been adapted by researchers at Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute to affect brain performance.
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Can criminals really be convicted of crimes that they ‘might’ commit, but haven’t actually perpetrated? This sounds like a scenario snatched straight from science-fiction; certainly when Philip K. Dick wrote "The Minority Report" back in 1956 the concept seemed fanciful, but advances in technology and data analysis are turning this fictional idea into fact.
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