There’s a black hole in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, and we now have evidence that it "acted up" during the 200 years of the Renaissance, around 1450-1650, sending out a massive blast of X-rays. How do we know? We’ve discovered evidence of extensive X-ray anomalies here on Earth. Could these emissions somehow account for the massive growth in art and intellect during that period of time?
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Even though a dwarf galaxy clear across the Milky Way looks to be a mouse, it may have once been a bear that slashed through the Milky Way and created the galaxy’s spiral arms. What does all this mean?

Astronomer Curtis Struck thinks the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy collided with the Milky Way, creating the galaxy’s spiral arms, its central bar structure and the flaring at its outer disk. Along the way, the dwarf galaxy’s stars were scattered and the galaxy shrunk to an object that’s so small and unimpressive it’s hard to see. Maybe the evolution of our Milky Way galaxy did include collisions and wasn’t as peaceful as astronomers had thought.
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Astronomers are making wondrous new discoveries every day. A new study from NASA tells scientists how often the biggest black holes have been active over the last few billion years. This discovery could have implications for how the giant black hole at the center of the Milky Way will behave in the future. And is the expansion of the universe accelerating for some unknown reason? This is one of the mysteries plaguing astrophysics, and somewhere in distant galaxies are yet-unseen supernovae that may give us the answer.
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We have the first evidence that there are other universes out there. The nature of this evidence is quite extraordinary–there are indications that we have, in the past, COLLIDED with them.
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