And there’s no way to fool her–you’ll reveal everything about yourself as soon as you start to dance. But first, your shirt: A new psychological study reveals that men who show skin are viewed as more sensitive, but less competent than those who are fully clothed. There’s a similar response to scantily clad women.

In, Stephanie Pappas quotes researcher Kurt Gray as saying, "An important thing about our study is that, unlike much previous research, ours applies to both sexes." People wearing few clothes were seen as having less moral responsibility, but at the same time they were seen as more deserving of protection.
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The acute economic downturn that began in 2008 sometimes is called the "mancession" to reflect its harsher impact on men than women. As recently as last November, over 10% of adult men were unemployed as compared to 8% of women. But how do unemployed men cope with their shifting domestic roles, especially when they become financially dependent on a wife or female partner?
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This is something that all single men yearn to know, as they practice the "lines" they’ll use when they meet a new woman. But it turns out that it’s not so much what you SAY that matters, but your tone of voice when you say it (and there’s not much you can do about that).

Women are turned on by low male voices. In the same way that bright plumage attracts female birds, because it denotes a healthy bird, a deep voice may instinctively attract women, because it denotes healthy masculinity (with lots of testosterone).
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The (mostly) male hormone testosterone drops after a man becomes a parent, probably so that he will care for his infant, rather than try to kill him or push him out of the nest, as some other creatures do.
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