Knowing how precisely a high school freshman can estimate the number of objects in a group gives you a good idea how well he has done in math as far back as kindergarten. Does this mean that math ability is genetic? And remember, girls do just as well in math as boys do!

Researcher said Justin Halberda says, “We discovered that a child?s ability to quickly estimate how many things are in a group significantly correlates with that child?s performance in school math for every single year, reaching all the way back to when he or she was in kindergarten.”
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We?ve written before about howusing yourhands can help your memory. Are your kids?or you?havingtrouble with math? Another reason to use your hands!

Psychologists have discovered that kids who are told togesture while doing math are more likely to solve mathproblems. Researchers conducted two studies with a total of176 children in late third and early fourth grade. SaraBroaders and her colleagues randomly assigned the studentsto do different manipulations. Some were told to gesture,others were told not to gesture, and some were not toldanything either way (they were the controls). These were allkids had made mistakes in solving math problems in the past.
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