A giant, prehistoric circle has been discovered in Ohio that is nearly perfect and about 90 feet across. It was buried long ago and is completely underground.

Using powerful magnetic sensors, archaeologists discovered the circle by chance. N?omi Greber, a Cleveland Museum of Natural History archaeologist, says they used remote-sensor tools which were originally developed for petroleum exploration. ?Now we can see things that we didn?t even know were there.?
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A lost city may have been found beneath 2,300 feet of water off the coast of Cuba, in an area just recently opened to exploration by the Cuban government.

Several foreign companies have joined together with the Cuban government to begin a systematic search of the area. ?It?s a new frontier,? says Paulina Zelitsky, of the Canadian company Advanced Digital Communications. ?We are discovering the influence of currents on global climate, volcanoes, the history of formation of Caribbean islands, numerous historic wrecks and even possibly a sunken city built in the pre-classic period and populated by an advanced civilization similar to the early Teotihuacan culture of Yucatan.?
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Ancient City A Major Challenge for Science.

Archaeologists have discovered the oldest city in the Americas 120 miles north of Lima, in Peru. Caral, which is 4,600 years old and flourished at the time the great pyramids were being built in Egypt, challenges many of the long-held beliefs of scientists, who have stated that no major urban areas existed in the Americas that long ago and that civilization began on the coasts and moved inland from there.
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An article in the latest issue ofAncient American Magazine makes a compelling case that Greek mariners reached the Americas as long ago as the fifth century B.C., possibly traveling as far west as Newfoundland.

Rather than relying on maps or archaeological remains whose authenticity cannot be confirmed, the author, Alban Wall, looks to the writings of the ancient Greek author Plutarch for his evidence. In volume 5 of his Morals, according to the author, “Plutarch set down astonishingly accurate sailing directions so precise that they provide, in and of themselves, absolute proof that ancient mariners knew full well how to get to these western shores.”
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