What kind will it be? – Will UFO disclosure come any time soon? In his newest Journal, Whitley writes about the various types of disclosure that could come about and the pros and cons of each. Don’t miss this one: If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read it. To sign up, click here. If you love our great radio shows, Whitley’s journals and Anne’s diaries, make sure they keep coming your way: Subscribe today.

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In his latest Journal, Whitley Strieber writes: “As I discussed in my As I discussed in my Night Thoughts audio file, my mind is changing. An example of what is happening came the other day when Anne and I were at lunch with Dreamland co-host Marla Frees.” Read about Whitley’s latest time slip and come meet Starfire Tor in person at our Stargate Conference where there are lots of wonderful new things to learn (and remember: It’s always sunny in the desert), except when you’re watching for UFOs under the stars!

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

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New audio from Whitley! – Whitley Strieber has just posted an astonishing audio description of new experiences he has been having. It is called “Night Thoughts” and a substantial portion of it is available at position 5 in the “Dreamland” section of our free Windows Media Player. To listenclick here.It is continued in the subscriber section. For over half an hour he describes the way his mind is changing as it leaves the barriers of time and space behind. He talks about the true complexity of the Grays and the promise of our relationship with them, and what is actually on offer. It is one of the most amazing statements made by him or anybody else.read more

In Whitley’s dynamic new Journal, he returns to the subject of the recession and what can (and should be done) to fix the mortgage crisis. He writes, “Unfortunately, the financial crisis may not be over, and it is to be hoped that, this time, it can be handled correctly. The bailouts did not fail, but the cost was enormous and unnecessary. It was probably the least efficient possible means of correcting the situation.” What would have worked better? Read his new Journal, and find out. And come meet Whitley in person at our Joshua Tree conference in October!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more