In his new journal Superstorms, Aliens and the Bomb, Whitley Strieber says: “As I write this, there is a phenomenal story on that discusses the terrible weather presently sweeping the whole western world, literally from California to Poland. This is the closest we have ever come to a superstorm, and it comes a few weeks after a disturbing event involving the Gulf Stream. Quite plainly, the world’s system of currents is changing, possibly collapsing, and it is possible that there is an as yet undocumented connection between the unusually harsh weather and current changes.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

In Whitley’s new journal, he writes: “I have been boggled by the number of high strangeness events being reported on my website recently. There are mysterious bird deaths and strange meteors all over the world, and a sudden odor of gas in the New York/New Jersey area that frightened millions of people?One would think that even asking the question, ‘are they connected?’ would be ridiculous. But they may be.” Don’t miss this provocative new journal entry!

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All governments are full of secrets and ours is no exception, but the only way to fight this rule by secrecy is to broadcast the truth?and that’s the gift we give you here on Support us in this important mission! History will thank you.
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Whitley Strieber wishes a Happy New Year to all, inthe form of a journal entry that calls attention to theastonishing human achievements that have made our world amuch better place over the past hundred years. He points out that lifespan has more than doubled worldwide in a hundred years, illiteracy has plummeted, and starvation is a thing of the past in most of the more

In his new journal, Whitley comments on the news that prominent Brazilian UFO investigator Jan Val Ellam is claiming that open contact will soon take place between humans and extraterrestrials. What do we do if that happens?especially those of us who have already had contact with these beings?

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more